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My name is Tim Plante and I'm an assistant professor/clinician investigator at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont (UVM). After completing medical school at UVM in 2011, I traveled to the mid-Atlantic for medicine residency at Georgetown and a general internal medicine fellowship at the Johns Hopkins University, where I was a trainee in the Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research while completing a MHS in clinical epidemology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. I have practiced primary care in the past and am currently practicing in an outpatient multidisciplinary thrombosis clinic and on the inpatient hospitalist service at the University of Vermont Medical Center.

I'm a co-founder and an editor-in-chief of WJC, which I started with my good buddy Dave Iberri. Dave and I first met in medical school at UVM where we developed a wiki for our foundations courses. WJC was developed as an IM residency project while I was at Georgetown and Dave was at Stanford. You can read a bit on the background of the project in this piece on the UVM Medicine blog.

My interests are primary care, med ed, CVD epidemiology, EBM, and the use of technology in medicine. @tbplante

Useful Pages

Lists of Trials

Editing Resources

Website Maintenance Resources

Mentionings Online

Editor/contributor lists

Open or minorly restricted datasets

HCUP - AHRQ Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
Nationwide readmission dataset - Readmissions for all payers and the uninsured
Other ones on HCUP:
Kids' Inpatient Database - pediatric inpatient discharges
Nationwide Emergency Department Sample - national estimates of ED visits
State Inpatient Databases - "universe" of inpatient discharge abstracts from certain states
State Ambulatory Surgery and Services Databases - Ambulatory surgery and other outpatient services from hospital-owned facilities
State emergency department databases - Hospital-associated EDs not resulting in hospitalization
Nationally-representative samples
NHANES - the mother of cross-sectional databases. Here is my approach to doing NHANES analyses in Stata.


App Pages

All pages that mention the app: